
Due to popular demand ~ that means lots of people emailing me asking "How do I put this stuff on my email?". I will attempt to give a lesson on using gif images in your WebTv email. This short tutorial is intended as a very basic guide for the html beginner to add a simple signature to their email.

The very 1st thing to know is ~

"Where do I put the codes?"

From your WebTv email page ~ you will see the word "settings" ~ click on this, then "signature". Whoa there's a box there. Yup. From this point on, that box will be refered to as the "sig box".
It's important to know when you start writing your codes, you must start at the very top left of the sig box. Delete or backspace to make sure you're at the top left of the sig box.

I know where to put the codes ~ now what?

The very 1st tag you need to use is
This will "turn on" your html codes, and should be at the very top left corner of your sig box.
You only need <html> at the beginning of your sig ~ do not keep adding it as you add new codes.

How do I put in different colored text and background?

To put in a colored background and text:

<body bgcolor="color" text="color">

Replace "color" with the color name or # of your choice.

I want a wacky background image with all the colors and stuff!!!

K ~ if you insist ~ but please note that there are many backgrounds that are hard to read with almost any color text. Send yourself an email once you think you have a readable background/text combination. If you can barely read the text through the background, chances are the recipient of your email will not be able to read it.
To use an image as your background:

<body background="url here" text="color">

Huh? url? What's a url??

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Basically the url is the address, or "addy" of the image you want to use.

How do I get the url to the image I want?

Click on the image you want. Now hit your "goto" key (or the F7 key if you're using a regular computer keyboard). Click on "show last" Hey there's stuff there in that box.
Yup ~ that would be the url of the image. Use cut and paste to get the url ~ Or copy down the entire url exactly as you see it. This means you must use the exact letter case that you see in the url.


Too bad ~ use the correct case exactly as it appears or you wont have the correct url and you'll end up with a blank box where you wanted the image. Now shut up, lower the caps, and pay attention as we move on.

Let's recap ~ so far we have:

<body bgcolor="color" text="color">

Ok, How do I add an image?

To add an image:

<img src="url to image here">

So that's it?

Now just close your body and html tags and you should have this:

<body bgcolor="color" text="color"> <img src="url to image here">

How do I center the image?

You'll need to add the <center> tag before the <img src="url"> then close with a </center>tag.
It will look like this in your sig box:

<body bgcolor="color" text="color"> <center><img src="url to image here"></center>

[ Lines l  Backgrounds l  Gifs ]

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